Win AShido Lightweight Lithium Battery Replacement + DC4.0 Dual Battery Charger

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Shido Lightweight Lithium Battery Replacement + DC4.0 Dual Battery Charger

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Live Draw:

 Monday 10th July 2023, from 20:00pm

Ticket sales close during the Live Draw, check countdown above for closing date & time.


Win A Shido Lightweight Lithium Battery Replaces + DC4.0 Dual Battery Charger

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What you win:

  • Shido Lightweight Lithium Battery Replaces YT7B-BS
  • Shido DC4.0 Dual Battery Charger


About this prize:

  • Shido Lightweight Lithium Battery Replaces YT7B-BS

As a technology already embraced in the mobile phone, computer and power tool industry, lithium power cells are slowly beginning to replace traditional lead-acid batteries in high performance automotive applications.

Shido Lithium batteries offer massive weight savings compared to lead-acid, up to 80%/5kg in certain applications, and have the same size, shape and terminal position as the original fit. They can be mounted in any position; perfect for special builds.

Please use a lithium compatible charger. Please note for older bikes (mid 90’s and earlier) we recommend updating the charging system to a modern voltage rectifier/regulator. Damaged voltage regulators can over charge and damage lithium batteries.

  • Shido DC4.0 Dual Battery Charger

Lithium batteries must be charged correctly. Shido have developed their own battery chargers, suited for motorcycle applications with a unique and optimized algorithm, which allows for safe charging of both Lithium and lead-acid batteries.

In addition to all the features of the DC1.0 charger the DC4.0 also offers the following additional benefits.

A digital screen for live and accurate status and voltage reading. Designed to be suitable for use with 6v and 12v batteries and is selectable between 1A and 4A. It also features a specific AGM mode for sealed batteries and a useful hook attachment.


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